Monday 1 August 2011

Willow Weaving Workshop

A group of ten ladies gathered into a room at the Stable Yard. Were they all eager to try their hand at willow weaving a simple individual creation? Could they really achieve this - that was the question. This was an attempt to introduce a craft which our ancestors were excellent at. Using willow for baskets, chairs, tables, etc. would need some experience so we started by making simple circles, which incidentally are essential to any sculpture. Much fun, laughter and frustration followed but eventually we all got there.

and here's one I made earlier..

During the day many wonderful designs were created including a large fish, butterflies, dragon flies, garlands, sun flowers, etc.

Everyone was amazed at what they had created and learnt in such a short time. Hopefully this taster will encourage these very able ladies (where were the men)? to join a local group and create many more wonderful willow objects.

Judith Goodburn - Interpreter Guide

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